Effective Content Starts With A Strategy

4 minute read I see a lot of ineffective, misguided marketing content. Could it be better to say nothing than something that offers little value to the reader? It is, albeit to me, logical that effective content starts with a strategy. My experience is that you achieve quality engagement when the message is useful, purposeful, […]

Strategic Tools – Root Cause Analysis

In this series of posts, I’ll look at strategic tools that I use to develop marketing strategies and business strategies. The Root Cause Analysis tool has its own routes in manufacturing and, specifically, in the Japanese production lines of car manufacturer, Toyota. Its purpose is to identify, as its name clearly states, the root cause […]

Brand Values Verses Brand Experience

Your brand is not yours. We know that a Brand is a complex entity consisting of a personality, assets, heritage, values, position in the market and, importantly, its relationship with consumers. For some companies, these elements are often subject to numerous meetings, numerous agencies and always subject to multiple invoices as Brands invest in getting the right mix that […]

Wasted Advertising Spend – but where?

This is a great quote: “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.” John Wanamaker (1838-1922) Business owners can be rightfully cynical of agencies: some agencies thrive on valuable retainers where revenue is certain regardless of work they achieve. Some agencies hide behind confusing data where the more of anything they get, the […]

Making Corporate Videos Great Again

'Here's Johnny' Jack Nicholson's face appears through smashed door

My first full time employment was making corporate videos, before moving to a TV network five years later. I then chose to leave the broadcast production industry, during a time of change where television networks were being ‘streamlined’. My work life began with the idyll that I would tell stories through the use of film. […]

Making WordPress Websites Great

In the last few years I have grown in my respect for WordPress websites. For small, growing and, sometimes surprisingly, large businesses, it is the website development platform of choice. From my experience in B2B Marketing, it is a valuable tool, but I didn’t always think this way. In this post I’ll outline why this change […]