Your brand is not yours.

We know that a Brand is a complex entity consisting of a personality, assets, heritage, values, position in the market and, importantly, its relationship with consumers.

For some companies, these elements are often subject to numerous meetings, numerous agencies and always subject to multiple invoices as Brands invest in getting the right mix that suits the business, the product and the consumer.

The result? A great logo, a tagline that connects with the customer and the promise of a marketing campaign that will be viral.


the brand needs to understand that what the consumer perceives the brand to be is based upon their engagement with the company. If a brand says “we stand for quality” yet the consumer receives a below expectation product or service, there is a conflict.

Or when the brand shouts “Customers First” but the only news about them is a profit warning, customers are left feeling less than second best.

Where there is a disconnect between what the brand says and what the consumer feels, there is the potential for a failure.

Brands will monitor the consumer perception, investing in understanding the consumer sentiment. But more should be done!

Consumers talk, they are social, they want information and they want choice. Reviews, whether requested or volunteered, are an excuse for consumers to shout their frustrations and, sometimes, their loves. Reviews identify when the brand has delivered on its communicated brand values and are read and acted upon, by other consumers.

The Opportunity

Every business has values. How? Because the leader / founder does. They may not be written down, but they exist. She chooses not to sell to military organisations – that is a value. He refuses to develop software that can be used for illegal purposes; another value.

Some companies listen to their customers or target customers to understand what they want from a supplier and set these as values. A bank that keeps a high street branch open; that is what customers want, 

When you have a set of values that are shared with your customers, you have a bond that fosters loyalty, advocacy and, ultimately, profitability.  

Listen to the voice of your consumers to understand their view of your brand and do something about it!