Headway Marketing is, for me at least, an obvious choice for the name of my Marketing Consultancy business. Here is why I chose the name Headway Marketing.

My proposition is providing Marketing expertise and Marketing Strategy that drive business success. My approach is founded on quite a few years of delivering a range of marketing services that combine to achieve targeted goals, always in line with a defined marketing strategy.

I have split personalities. By day I do marketing but outside of work I am a Sailing Instructor. I like few things more than being on a yacht as it dances across the water, the wind brushing across my face and some of the most beautiful places the world gently passing by. Sailing is challenging and provides a great metaphor for marketing. A metaphor that I will no doubt refer to more than this once!

Image of yacht sailing on Norfolk Broads
Sailing. When the right skills, knowledge and team come together, you make headway. Image: (C) Richard Sturgess. Paul (R) instructs young people as they sail on the Norfolk Broads

Sailing takes knowledge and skill. The starting point is that you need to know the front of the boat from the back. Silly, but important. You need to know what things do, how to use the tiller to steer the boat, how to move the sails to drive performance and you need to know how to simultaneously manipulate all the features of the vessel in order to achieve your objective. Get it all right – you make headway and the yacht can take you magical places from the Norfolk Broads to the exotic islands of the Caribbean.

There is a parallel with marketing. Like sailing, effective marketing needs a mix of different tactics, technologies and practices to simultaneously be brought together in order to make headway. It takes a skilled and knowledgeable team to achieve this – Belbin describes a mix of types of people required for an effective team – I can assure you, not much happens on a yacht full of Skippers*, but the choice of wine is fantastic. You need a team – a Skipper to lead, a navigator, a helmsman, knowledgeable crew and others. Likewise with Marketing, it requires a selection of marketing people, tools and approaches – while you can turn a yacht only using the sails, it is quicker and way more effective to combine the use of the tiller to move the rudder with the sails to turn the yacht. In business, manage your data and you’ll know who you need to sell to, get your content right and you’ll get noticed, get your social selling right and you’ll connect with the right people, understand how mobile can support your Marketing Strategy and you can engage in a personal way with your customer…. when all your Marketing comes together, you make headway.

This is Headway Marketing’s remit; to provide the Marketing knowledge, skills and resource to businesses enabling them to make targeted and tangible headway through often turbulent times.

If your business is interested in investigating the opportunities a fresh look at marketing can bring, please get in touch.


(*This references a specific group of qualified instructors that I belong to that runs a youth sailing holiday and not skippers that professionally navigate the world’s oceans!)